>>The Weltüberwachungsbüro (Worldmonitoringbureau) presents
Live-streams from the "WATCHING THE WORLD" project:



This is a livestream of people captured by surveillance cameras
somewhere in the world just right now.

#surveillance #people #privacy #law #report #photography #algorithm #ai #osint #cctv 
#automatedphotography #art #opendata #bigdata #dataanalysis #webcams #ipcams #surveillancecams




Surveillance cameras image archives photographed during the last 48 hours, which were automatically captured and saved by the “Watching The World” project using AI and algorithms.
Each archive develops its own aesthetic and presents itself as a unique pattern.

#archive #pattern #report #photography #algorithm #ai #osint #cctv #automatedphotography #art 
#opendata #bigdata #dataanalysis #webcams #ipcams #surveillancecams




Randomly selected images that was photographed exactly now somewhere in the world using surveillance cameras.

#surveillance #live #report #photography #algorithm #ai #osint #cctv #automatedphotography 
#art #opendata #bigdata #dataanalysis #webcams #ipcams #surveillancecams




Live images from Iran, which were photographed with publicly accessible surveillance cameras just right now.

#surveillance #iran #regime #islamicstate #live #report #photography #algorithm #ai #osint #cctv 
#automatedphotography #art #opendata #bigdata #dataanalysis #webcams #ipcams #surveillancecams





The Encyclopedia Of The Now

"WATCHING THE WORLD, The Encyclopedia Of the Now" is an art, a photography, an exhibition, an AI, a Big Data, a osint, an online project and uses only Open Data sources for this purpose.

It photographs around the clock and around the globe the world in live mode by means of publicly accessible network cameras, presents the images simultaneously on the project-website in different modes and, with the help of AI, develops a new way of seeing, a new kind of photography.

The network cameras look at public as well as at private spheres. The fact that different cultures value privacy differently is just one of the insights we may gain. What is seen in the pictures, determines the world and at the same time is in the eye of the beholder. This can be provocative

Thousands of netcams are recorded in our system. The algorithms download approximately more than a million images from the web every day. The images are analysed by an AI and archived in our storages for 48 hours before they will be overwritten by the following ones.

A Project by Kurt Caviezel in collaboration with ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences).